IMPORTANT COVID VACCINE UPDATE!  Our community is doing an awesome job stepping up to the plate to get the vaccine.  Everything has been going so smooth and it has been such a joy to meet each and everyone one of you.  In order to continue preparing all stakeholder as we move forward, we wanted to provide additional information and clarification as to how the process works.

  • At this point, tomorrow January 14, 2021 we have a total of 40 vaccines.  After those are administered we have to cancel future vaccination dates until we receive another shipment.
  • The vaccines are packed with ten doses per bottle.  It arrives frozen and has strict guidelines for temperature and storage.  Once we thaw out a bottle there is limited time to use the vaccine or it has to be thrown away.  Therefore it is a fine line managing appointments, drop-ins, and quantities.  That is why we need your help to do the best that we can do.
  • That being said, it is important that once you schedule and appointment, please be sure to keep it.  We also highly encourage everyone not to schedule appointments at multiple places and cancel at the last minute as it takes up a spot that could belong to someone else.
  • Also, this is the reason you may see a post on Facebook letting you know we have open appointments or certain quantities left or close to running out.  As things change each day, we do our best to communicate that to our community and move quickly to accommodate as many people as possible.
  • Certain conditions are not completely clear and therefore when the community member arrives and doesn’t meet that criteria, two appointments can become one.
  • At this time, we do not have an estimated delivery date for future shipments.  Likewise, we don’t know what quantities to expect ahead of time.
  • In order to help funnel people, we established the “SCHEDULE” function to allow us a way to build a pipeline of people who are interested.  Based on criteria established by the Governor’s office, we serve people immediately or put them on a waiting list.
  • As soon as we have additional information we will communicate with all stakeholders who register with us.
  • For now go to click on the SCHEDULE tab to schedule an appointment or to get on the waiting list. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT.  The further we move along in the process it may become harder to manage drop-ins.  However, until it is no longer possible, we will do our best to serve in that way.

Thank you again for your cooperation, we could not have done it with out you!  I can’t wait to meet the rest of you as we continue to move forward on the journey together!

Best Regards,

Lori Evans

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