What kind of documentation do we need to provide to get the Covid-19 vaccine if we are under 65?
Home / Faq / What kind of documentation do we need to provide to get the Covid-19 vaccine if we are under 65?
What kind of documentation do we need to provide to get the Covid-19 vaccine if we are under 65?
Current prescription and picture ID.
Insurance Card.
Diagnosis and/or care plan from your primary care physician or specialist.
What kind of documentation do we need to provide to get the Covid-19 vaccine if we are under 65?2021-02-132023-08-09http://www.mcmh.us/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/mcmh-logo-2.pngMCMHhttp://www.mcmh.us/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/mcmh-logo-2.png200px200px
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